Friday, March 10, 2006 is a site I started to eliminate government waste & use tax $ saved to shore up Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, generate $ for education, health care, health care for veterans, & more. Unfortunately the old America battle cries such as "Give me liberty or give me death" have changed to "There's nothing you can doooooo." The America people have given up.

While employed with the Nebraska Dept. of Forestry through the University of Nebraska my boss was stealing gas, having employees sit on our butts & watch V three & four hours a day, clock in as if oat work when at home while saving sick pay of which 25% of was collected at retirement by the same employees & more. We were charging rural fire districts $30 an hour to work on excess military equipment aqquired through this FEPP program. A program started in the sixties which had outlived it's original concept years ago. As told to me by US Senator Hagel's office, "many of these government programs get started & never end." Perpetual waste!

When I called the Governor's office, Mike Johanns {recently appointed Secretary of the USDA which was the government agenency in charge of over sight of this failing FEPP program} the Gov. wasn't interested. Even though the Gov. of Nebraska had a policy against using state vehicles for personal use & my boss was driving a state vehicle back & forth to work,
{ 40 miles one way} while his vehicle sat at the Forestry equipment shop filled with taxpayer funded gas. That's right he drove to work on Mondays in his personal vehicle, filled it with taxpayer gas & then drove a state vehicle all week & drove his vehicle home on Friday with a full tank. Not only did the Gov. want nothing to do with this the State Auditor also did absolutly nothing in approximately five months while leading me to believe there was a state wide investigation going on.

State Auditor Kate Witek, now running for Nebraska Lt. Gov. did absolutely nothing after I walked an auditor employee through the FEPP shop & showed them waste & theft. I later called the State Auditor's office & requested someone come over to my house and witness gas in a container which my boss sent home with me to put in my personal vehicle. The auditor's response, "without a warrant I don't believe we can come over."

The truth is We are being mis-represented! Washington DC is loaded with white collar crime while America is building & paying for prisons to house nonviolent crinimals, many in prison due to meth & other drugs brought in the US by illegal immigrants. Our representatives have promoted illegal immigration for years as political favors to campaign contributors & corporations through the Washington lobby. Cheap, abused labor!

Low wages, minimum wage hasn't been raised for a decade while the same US senators enjoy $26,000 more annually. 37,000,000 Americans live in poverty, 45 million with out health insurance while a US Senator making $26,000 in annual salary raises won't raise minimum wage! Who absorbs the taxes which pay for 37,000,000 living in poverty & cost 45 million without health insurance can't pay or afford? You do!

3-10-06 Idaho Statesman: Craig donates $43,500 linked to political scandal.
Congressman Randy Duke" Cunningham convicted of taking bribes from a defense contractor, Brent Wilkes donated through Pacs & lobbyists & our representatives claim no wrongdoing. Interesting we pay millions if not billions of $ to build prisons to hold small time criminals while white collar crime runs our government in Washington DC. Simply donate the $ to charity!

We would be $ ahead to build walls around the Washinton DC crime scene to keep our representatives & the corporations controlling our government from starting another war such as we have in Iraq. While we're in Iraq promoting democracy & liberating democracy in America has evolved into a democratic dictatorship in which coprorate un-America controls the people we pay to represent US! Another generation of middle class Americans paying for everything another generation of the power elite need in their quest for control, greed!

Who absorbs the taxes evaded {tax cuts & incentives} by un-American corporations through campaign contributions & the Washington lobby? You do! Who pays increased personal property taxes to fund schools when developers get tax exemptions. You do!

While the American taxpayer absorbs all the cost we also pay these representatives a fine salary, health care, & retirement which we lose more of everyday! You pay for it all while the rich/power elite profit & in the end you have less! The people & families of the same people fight terrorism, some making the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq while our representatives & coprorate un-America profit as unwitting allies to terrorist! How does Osama Bin Laden feel about our representation in Washington DC. You can bet he's banking on it! It's up to you, want to continue to lose & watch America crumble due to a foundation built of less than American ideals & morals. Insider trading, campaign finance irreularities, defense contractor bribes/revolving door, evesdropping, CIA leaks, breaking constitutional law, & where does it end? Do nothing as the saying goes or get online. If you haven't caught on to what's happening to America by now it's amazing, if you have & do nothing you're an amazing idiot.

When we we in Vietnam were we fighting communism or financing it? Over 50,000 Americans died in front of weapons bought from communist countries like Russia. Russia went broke about 13 years ago. When would Russia have gone broke if billions of $ for weapons used to kill those 50,000 Americans wouldn't have been purchased? Had we not been in Vietnam?

Now we're in Iraq. Are we fighting terrorist or financing them? Judging by what is happening in Washington DC at the expense of the America taxpayer/citizen/people I say terrorist can't lose when our representatives & corporate un-America see nothing but profit at the expense of America. The American way of life has changed to the America way of lie! It's all about the $!


Blogger said...

War protest! War in Iraq isn't anything like Vietnam? If there were a draft you can bet it would look a hell of a lot like Vietnam. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld & company would look just like Johnson, Nixon, MacNamarra & that crew.

7:10 AM  
Blogger said...

The American people would rather send 18 year old kids to die in a war based on lies than put government in it's place! Political spin, campaign contributions, corporate welfare, twp parties more about themselves than America or the American people!

7:32 AM  

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