Tuesday, January 05, 2010

It seems I'm of no use to banks, insurance, government if I don't have a job, can't pay taxes, insurance, mortgage since mis-representatives, & their partners in crime
destroyed our economy, & gave all our jobs away. It's all a little confusing, they can't rob US anymore because they already took everything, jobs, homes, & reason to support America. Like killing the golden goose the crooks & terrorist on our payroll in DC have screwed up the perfect scam becaue they were so greedy, had to have it all? Funny they cut their own throat, just like US taxpayers no longer of use, in the end the crooked politicians will outlive their usefullness. NOW, it all stops here & now if I can get some support!

Like the Native American, land with no title, off to the res., or street I go? I don't think so, I'm not going the way of the Native American. I'll fight but I won't fight the way Natives did or play by government's rules. Government banks, insurance, & courts aren'tgoing to get rid of me that easily.

This is why I have www.nextrevolution,.net but I can't do it alone. Unless the
millions of Americans being taken just like me, are willing to lose everything,
suffer through the rest of their lives, losing everything they worked a lifetime to
build, are as foolish, & gullible as our mis-representatives believe, it all stops now!

I stopped my boss at the Nebraska Dept of Forestry who was stealing state &
federal tax $, military excess property that could have been sold with $ going
to the DOD. Not knowing we'd be in war, US soldiers dying just a few years later
in war our mis-representatives & partners in crime profit in because they didn't
have equipment. I was the bad guy & nobody cared as strange as that sounds.
American taxpayaers just sitting by as if it was ok to be rpped off? If you found
somebody stealing gas from your car in your driveway you would do something
about it but if a governmnet program is where theft is taking place & your
representatives try to cover it up?

I answered a letter from Darigold corporate office asking for information into theft, waste, or fraud & Darigold used my suggestions to save millions of $. I was fired just the same & politicians in both cases either covered up or tried so as to protect themselves, & contributors. The USDA made them clean up unsanitary transportation & warehousing at Darigold, sixth largest dairy in the nation. If you look at pictures on Nextrev you can judge for yourself if you would like your kids to consume milk, dairy products rerun several times, or fed to hogs after people complained, returned milk to stores & it couldn't be rerun enough times to fool the public.

This the highly subsidized dairy industry the same mis-representatives accept millions from in return for billions of your tax $!

R-NE Mike Johanns, R-ID Jim Risch, D-ID Walk Minnick, R-ID Crapo, Idaho
Gov Butch Otter just to name a few dead beats who either did nothing, covered up,
protecting contributors, their own pocket book, & no doubt more theft, kickbacks as
well as sending kids to die in war without equipment. Allowing rotten milk to be
sold to major fast food outlets such as McDonalds, Burger King, & grocery stores
Safeway, WINCO, COSTCO, Ridley's, Paul's, & others through the sale of private
label dairy products so you never even know it's Darigold.

I have experience in several areas, agriculture, contraction, auto mechanics, welding,several areas of manufacturing, driving truck, freight brokerage to name a few. I may have outlived 21st century high tech work force but I refuse at the age of 52 to allow my mis-representatives of millionaire status to rob me any longer!

I need people not only my age who have according to our mis-representation have
outlived our usefulness only to be robbed, but also the kids who are next in line to be taken by this two party joke, greatest scam the world has ever seen which we call
representation. I need names for a petition so we can fight back so as not to lose homes & live on the street while the dead beats in DC, terrorist on our payroll, & their partners in crime rob US. If kids think they safe they better have a look around, & their parents better give a little advise if smart enough to realize what is happening. Look what happened to Native Americans, what's happening to US now, & you better believe you are next!

The paper even wrote about the job market: Associated press, 1-3-10 The Terrible Teens: Economy heals, joblessness looms Worst reccession since the great depression, 15 million unemployed, 10% unemployement, & unemployment could remain at 8% for years. It could take 10 to 15 years for jobs to come back if they ever do. Kids better realize they will always have the option of signing up for the
military as a mercenary, paid to kill, or die not realizing they have been manipulated into it.

The same mis-representatives sent 58,000 Americans to die fighting communism in Vietnam until thousands of stoned hippies said enough! All the while financing communism because billions of $ went to communist countries like China for weapons used to kill those 58,000 Americans & wound thousands more.

Nobody to my knowledge has ever made this point until I have.Now & for years our
mis-representatives have been, continue to hand communist China our jobs, & country
as fast as possible while putting millions of American out of work sending our jobs to China.

Now we're fighting terrorism under the same umbrella of fear we were led to believe
communism was? How did it go, get under your desk in the event of a nuclear attack, as if that was going to do any good, & thousands of Americans, downwinders still suffer with cancer while our mis-representatives denied, lied, & play their games to avoid paying their health care.

The terrorist we need fear the most aren't in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, or any other country, at least they weren't until our mis-representatives gave these people reason to hate US. The terrorist we need to fear are on our payroll in DC, banks, insurance, agri corruption, defense, & we better wise up to the reality. Like those stone hippies in the 1960s & 1970s I say enough, it stops now!

The petition will be as follows & anyone can send ideas to add to the list on
www.nextrevolution.net Now let's vote all republicans & democrats out of office
& take everything they own in return for breaking & robbing US. There wasn't anybody
else in office the last half century, all they did is documented, & there is no denying it!

1. Cut by 50% the pay of all representatives.
2. Take all retirement from representatives, present, past, lobbyists first to repay the
$ they stole from Social Security.
3. Take all campaign finance retroactive to 2000.
4. We'll pay $100 a month per person for health insurance, family rates, & no more.
5. Full financial disclosure by all mis-representatives, who contributed to them, how much,
& who they gave billions to, & who they invested in.


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