Idaho Statesman, 3-10-06: Craig donates $43,500 linked to political scandal.
Senator proposed amendment that could have helped defense contractor.
Statesman, 3-12-06: The Big Picture. Anatomy of an Amendment.
Other players: Lobbyist, campaign contributors, & consultants Mitchell Wade, Richard Bliss, Joel Combs, Max Gelwix, & William Bain Adams.
Nextrev's veiw: Taxation without representation!
Brent Wilkes, President & CEO of defense contractor ADCS Inc. unidicted yet received $95 million in defense contracts in return for pennies on the $, $600,000.
Former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif. Pleaded guilty to taking bribes, over 2 million in return for political favors related to Wilkes & LOBBYISTS paid by the defense contractor! 8 years in prison!
Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho. Donates $ to charity, after the fact. No wrong doing?
Taxpayers foot the bill for millions of people locked up in prisons, many nonviolent drug abusers
sent to jail for breaking laws set up by the same representatives who accept $ in return for political favors which the American citizen/taxpayer absorb. Personal property taxes on the rise while developers & businesses enjoy tax breaks & incentives & who pays the taxes they evade? You do! Schools falling apart while a guilt trip is put upon homeowners. When you need a doctor where will you go if you don't provide education?
While We the People pay these mis-representatives, provide health care, & retirement we lose all the same. Look at Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, health insurance costs, presrciption drug costs, & more. We lose all we provide while our mis-representatives make $ in the bargain.
Idaho Statesman, 3-12-06 Cars for Congressmen cost taxpayers $1 million.
Nextrev's opinion:
Our representatives lease cars, some at over $1,000 a month, & some lease more than one. With a war in Iraq, war based on lies, poor intelligence, NO intelligence! Oil & $, while our mis-representatives feel it's fine to spend millions, billions while giving tax cuts & incentives in return for favors to campaign contributors, taxpayers pay the taxes they evade! Un-American corporations, allies to terror just as our mis-representatives! Bin Laden & his terrorist don't have to destroy America, the people we pay to represent US are doing a bang up job & getting rich doing it!
Idaho Statesman, 3-12-06: Perks in the sky: Congress reaps benefits from corporate jets.
Nextrev's take: How is it I can't call a representatives & actually talk to them, get an aide at best while corproate un-America, making millions of $ in return for flying my representatives around, {pennies on the dollar} have their undivided attention? America is a mis-managed nation! $8 trillion in dept & out of control. War in which Americans are making the ultimate sacrifice yet the President & Vice President of this nation, well you make the call. They work for?
America has become the biggest joke in the world. Well, We the People are as according to the democractic form of government we're allowing our mis-representatives to force down the throat of other nations. Killing to establish democracy while that same democracy has evolved into a democratic dictatorship in America! Corporate un-America controls our mis-representatives while the battle cry of American people has changed from "Give me liberty or give me death" to "There's nothing you can doooooo."
Nextrev's veiw: Build a prison around the Washington DC crime scene! Prevent the corruption from spreading! Or is it too late?
Senator proposed amendment that could have helped defense contractor.
Statesman, 3-12-06: The Big Picture. Anatomy of an Amendment.
Other players: Lobbyist, campaign contributors, & consultants Mitchell Wade, Richard Bliss, Joel Combs, Max Gelwix, & William Bain Adams.
Nextrev's veiw: Taxation without representation!
Brent Wilkes, President & CEO of defense contractor ADCS Inc. unidicted yet received $95 million in defense contracts in return for pennies on the $, $600,000.
Former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif. Pleaded guilty to taking bribes, over 2 million in return for political favors related to Wilkes & LOBBYISTS paid by the defense contractor! 8 years in prison!
Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho. Donates $ to charity, after the fact. No wrong doing?
Taxpayers foot the bill for millions of people locked up in prisons, many nonviolent drug abusers
sent to jail for breaking laws set up by the same representatives who accept $ in return for political favors which the American citizen/taxpayer absorb. Personal property taxes on the rise while developers & businesses enjoy tax breaks & incentives & who pays the taxes they evade? You do! Schools falling apart while a guilt trip is put upon homeowners. When you need a doctor where will you go if you don't provide education?
While We the People pay these mis-representatives, provide health care, & retirement we lose all the same. Look at Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, health insurance costs, presrciption drug costs, & more. We lose all we provide while our mis-representatives make $ in the bargain.
Idaho Statesman, 3-12-06 Cars for Congressmen cost taxpayers $1 million.
Nextrev's opinion:
Our representatives lease cars, some at over $1,000 a month, & some lease more than one. With a war in Iraq, war based on lies, poor intelligence, NO intelligence! Oil & $, while our mis-representatives feel it's fine to spend millions, billions while giving tax cuts & incentives in return for favors to campaign contributors, taxpayers pay the taxes they evade! Un-American corporations, allies to terror just as our mis-representatives! Bin Laden & his terrorist don't have to destroy America, the people we pay to represent US are doing a bang up job & getting rich doing it!
Idaho Statesman, 3-12-06: Perks in the sky: Congress reaps benefits from corporate jets.
Nextrev's take: How is it I can't call a representatives & actually talk to them, get an aide at best while corproate un-America, making millions of $ in return for flying my representatives around, {pennies on the dollar} have their undivided attention? America is a mis-managed nation! $8 trillion in dept & out of control. War in which Americans are making the ultimate sacrifice yet the President & Vice President of this nation, well you make the call. They work for?
America has become the biggest joke in the world. Well, We the People are as according to the democractic form of government we're allowing our mis-representatives to force down the throat of other nations. Killing to establish democracy while that same democracy has evolved into a democratic dictatorship in America! Corporate un-America controls our mis-representatives while the battle cry of American people has changed from "Give me liberty or give me death" to "There's nothing you can doooooo."
Nextrev's veiw: Build a prison around the Washington DC crime scene! Prevent the corruption from spreading! Or is it too late?