Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How or why would anybody, American or foreigner, believe anything any of our mis-representatives say?

Through campaign finance our mis-representatives are directly responsible for every problem we face. They accepted millions from banks for no regulation & destroyed our financial system. They accepted millions from insurance companies & health care is unaffordable. They accepted millions from defense contractors, gave back billions, promote war for years on end which they invest in, refuse to spend a dime on job creation contradicting the stimulus/bailout. They promote free trade in return for campaign finance form anybody with a million to give to each party. They gave away any jobs they hadn't already given to illegal immigration while busting unions, putting Americans out of work, making US pay health care for illegal immigrants abused/injured in nonunions shops, the reason unions were started along with health care. They hand billions in farm bill after farm bill to corporate farms while family farms go under.

www.opensecrets.org show billions handed to our mis-representatives & the supreme court just opened th floodgates allowing unlimted flow of cash from contributors.

www.ewg.org Billions handed to corporate farms while family farms go broke because they can't compete. Richset 10% of corporate farms receive most of the billions in subsidies, then buy up land family farmers sell because they can't compete, corporate farms buy the land with our tax, $ & get more of our tax $ in return for campaign contributions.

Like fishing, it doesn't work out well for the bait, & We the people are starting to smell like the bait.

Seriously, does your boss allow you to accept $ from an outside source or customer, than hand back ten times as much of the bosses $, or give special deals the boss loses $ on? Why do We the People as the boss allow this while we go broke & our employees make millions breaking US? Are the American people really that stupid? Do't answer, I already know.

www.infrastructurereportcard.org Our infrastructure is $2.2 trillion in need of repair/upgrade because our mis-representatives hand out tax cuts to contirbutors who use infrastructure to produce & tansport their product. idaho is cuttingbudgets all ove rth emap, will collect about a billion next year in sales taxes, yet hand out $1.75 billion in sales tax exemptions. The word around the statehouse is, those tax exemptions were already paid for?

www.justice.org/violationsdatabase Over 28.200 motor carriers, over 200,000 trucks on the nation's beat up roads, 4000 Americans killed & over 80,000 injured every year in truck related accidnets. Like the FDA spending$152 billion a year on health care, hospitialization for people who consumer rotten food & I was fored from WFF/Darigold after answering the letter from WFF/Darigold, the sixth largest dairy in the nation, asking for information into theft, fraud, & watse, turned into kickbacks in transportation.

Alcohol can't be taxes to pay for damage doen yet 17000 Americans are killed every year in alcohol related auto accidents. Can't help but wonder if over four times as many are killed in aocohol related auto accidents, 80,000 are injured in truck related accidents killing 4000 Americans every year, how many people are injured in alcohol related auto accidents? 4000 x 4 = 16000 so 80,000 x 4 = 320,000 + 20,000 or so for the missing year = 340,000 Americans injured in alcohol related auto accidents, every year? $152 billion on food borne illness makes this taxpayer, paying way too much for health care, wonder how much I'm paying through my insurance to cover health care costs due to trucks & drunks.

The FDA reports $152 billion spent every year on food borne illeness yet I was fired after answering a letter from WFF/Darigold, sixth largest dairy in the nation, asking for information into theft, fraud, & waste. I found too much & Idaho representatives covered up unsanitary transportation, warehousing, & kickbacks in tranpsortation. Pictures can be seen on www.nextrevolution.net.

Dairy products, private label sold through major fast food outlets, McDonalds, Burger King, & retail outlets, WINCO, COSTCO & others. People don't even know they're consuming rotten milk & other diary products & our mis-representatives cover it up while we spend billions a year through the FDA & USDA who refuse to do anything whole spending all this money & Americans die or live the rest of their life in misery, on dialysis, or sick from bacteria, E Coli, salmonella, or othe rfood poisoning.

Look at Nextrev & see the illegal immigrants shooting hogs on a farm you would think was in a third world country but it isn't, it's Boise Idaho where republicans rob the people into poverty & democrats do the same in the state they control.

All members of Congress & the US Senate have been robbing US taxpayers of trillion, same trillions banks, Wall Street, insurance, defense, agri corruption & other contributors have made all the while handing millions to DClowns, terrorist on our payroll in DC.

Bumper stickers, hats, & T-shirts
Price plus shipping based on quantity

Base price on 18" by 3.5" bumpers stics, $5 plus shipping.
Quantity discounts available.

Next time, Don't send a boy!

Universal to all politicians, from old saying,
Don't send a boy to do a man's job"
Not racially motivated. Buyer's personal motivation not
www.nextrevolution.net responsibility.

Y2K missed US, W didn't

WY2K Broke US!

Meaning we didn't see W/Bush coming, he made millions
on oil, exposed the crime in derivatives by breaking every
American Household budget to DC red, & the rest of our
representatives bailed out their partners in crime.

KBR, liberate Iraq, rape America!

In reference to the injustice by Cheney's Halliburton KBR
gang raping Jamie Leigh Jones, holding her in a cargo container without food or water & no justice for Jamie Leigh in US courts yet we allowed Cheney & WY2K to make millions, lie in the
liberation of Iraq. Is this who we are as a nation?

$1 from every sale to go to Jamie Leigh Jones for justice!
Price per stic, $6 plus shipping.
Quantity discounts apply.

Can't do an honest day's work?

Run for Congress!

Run for Senate!

Anybody can be President!

Captain Morgan has spice rum, Got a little Captain in you?

Nextrev. has a new 21st century FREEDUMB bumper stickers.

Meaning the American people are so dumbed down they
wouldn't do or say anything if government did shove a hot
poker up their ass, again!

Got a little Uncle Sam in you?
Bend over & cry Bitch,
there's more comin.

Then we have:

African Lion?
A frican liar!


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