Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How or why would anybody, American or foreigner, believe anything any of our mis-representatives say?

Through campaign finance our mis-representatives are directly responsible for every problem we face. They accepted millions from banks for no regulation & destroyed our financial system. They accepted millions from insurance companies & health care is unaffordable. They accepted millions from defense contractors, gave back billions, promote war for years on end which they invest in, refuse to spend a dime on job creation contradicting the stimulus/bailout. They promote free trade in return for campaign finance form anybody with a million to give to each party. They gave away any jobs they hadn't already given to illegal immigration while busting unions, putting Americans out of work, making US pay health care for illegal immigrants abused/injured in nonunions shops, the reason unions were started along with health care. They hand billions in farm bill after farm bill to corporate farms while family farms go under.

www.opensecrets.org show billions handed to our mis-representatives & the supreme court just opened th floodgates allowing unlimted flow of cash from contributors.

www.ewg.org Billions handed to corporate farms while family farms go broke because they can't compete. Richset 10% of corporate farms receive most of the billions in subsidies, then buy up land family farmers sell because they can't compete, corporate farms buy the land with our tax, $ & get more of our tax $ in return for campaign contributions.

Like fishing, it doesn't work out well for the bait, & We the people are starting to smell like the bait.

Seriously, does your boss allow you to accept $ from an outside source or customer, than hand back ten times as much of the bosses $, or give special deals the boss loses $ on? Why do We the People as the boss allow this while we go broke & our employees make millions breaking US? Are the American people really that stupid? Do't answer, I already know.

www.infrastructurereportcard.org Our infrastructure is $2.2 trillion in need of repair/upgrade because our mis-representatives hand out tax cuts to contirbutors who use infrastructure to produce & tansport their product. idaho is cuttingbudgets all ove rth emap, will collect about a billion next year in sales taxes, yet hand out $1.75 billion in sales tax exemptions. The word around the statehouse is, those tax exemptions were already paid for?

www.justice.org/violationsdatabase Over 28.200 motor carriers, over 200,000 trucks on the nation's beat up roads, 4000 Americans killed & over 80,000 injured every year in truck related accidnets. Like the FDA spending$152 billion a year on health care, hospitialization for people who consumer rotten food & I was fored from WFF/Darigold after answering the letter from WFF/Darigold, the sixth largest dairy in the nation, asking for information into theft, fraud, & watse, turned into kickbacks in transportation.

Alcohol can't be taxes to pay for damage doen yet 17000 Americans are killed every year in alcohol related auto accidents. Can't help but wonder if over four times as many are killed in aocohol related auto accidents, 80,000 are injured in truck related accidents killing 4000 Americans every year, how many people are injured in alcohol related auto accidents? 4000 x 4 = 16000 so 80,000 x 4 = 320,000 + 20,000 or so for the missing year = 340,000 Americans injured in alcohol related auto accidents, every year? $152 billion on food borne illness makes this taxpayer, paying way too much for health care, wonder how much I'm paying through my insurance to cover health care costs due to trucks & drunks.

The FDA reports $152 billion spent every year on food borne illeness yet I was fired after answering a letter from WFF/Darigold, sixth largest dairy in the nation, asking for information into theft, fraud, & waste. I found too much & Idaho representatives covered up unsanitary transportation, warehousing, & kickbacks in tranpsortation. Pictures can be seen on www.nextrevolution.net.

Dairy products, private label sold through major fast food outlets, McDonalds, Burger King, & retail outlets, WINCO, COSTCO & others. People don't even know they're consuming rotten milk & other diary products & our mis-representatives cover it up while we spend billions a year through the FDA & USDA who refuse to do anything whole spending all this money & Americans die or live the rest of their life in misery, on dialysis, or sick from bacteria, E Coli, salmonella, or othe rfood poisoning.

Look at Nextrev & see the illegal immigrants shooting hogs on a farm you would think was in a third world country but it isn't, it's Boise Idaho where republicans rob the people into poverty & democrats do the same in the state they control.

All members of Congress & the US Senate have been robbing US taxpayers of trillion, same trillions banks, Wall Street, insurance, defense, agri corruption & other contributors have made all the while handing millions to DClowns, terrorist on our payroll in DC.

Bumper stickers, hats, & T-shirts
Price plus shipping based on quantity

Base price on 18" by 3.5" bumpers stics, $5 plus shipping.
Quantity discounts available.

Next time, Don't send a boy!

Universal to all politicians, from old saying,
Don't send a boy to do a man's job"
Not racially motivated. Buyer's personal motivation not
www.nextrevolution.net responsibility.

Y2K missed US, W didn't

WY2K Broke US!

Meaning we didn't see W/Bush coming, he made millions
on oil, exposed the crime in derivatives by breaking every
American Household budget to DC red, & the rest of our
representatives bailed out their partners in crime.

KBR, liberate Iraq, rape America!

In reference to the injustice by Cheney's Halliburton KBR
gang raping Jamie Leigh Jones, holding her in a cargo container without food or water & no justice for Jamie Leigh in US courts yet we allowed Cheney & WY2K to make millions, lie in the
liberation of Iraq. Is this who we are as a nation?

$1 from every sale to go to Jamie Leigh Jones for justice!
Price per stic, $6 plus shipping.
Quantity discounts apply.

Can't do an honest day's work?

Run for Congress!

Run for Senate!

Anybody can be President!

Captain Morgan has spice rum, Got a little Captain in you?

Nextrev. has a new 21st century FREEDUMB bumper stickers.

Meaning the American people are so dumbed down they
wouldn't do or say anything if government did shove a hot
poker up their ass, again!

Got a little Uncle Sam in you?
Bend over & cry Bitch,
there's more comin.

Then we have:

African Lion?
A frican liar!

Friday, January 08, 2010



How do we explain why we left Afghanistan for six years to go to Iraq, break our economy, world financial system, go back to Afghanistan as if it is suddenly a national security issue after wasting six years, then continue to promote war for years on end with fear, fear, fear?

Hundreds of our mis-representatives from both parties, the only two in control of this nation for as long as I can remember, accept millions from defense, hand out billions to defense, invest in contributors, not only defense but banks, insurance, agri corruption, anybody with a million to hand to each party, & we call this representation? !

Why don't our mis-representatives do anything but talk about job creation? Where would they enlistees if kids could find jobs or afford college after they destroyed the draft? How would representatives know how to create jobs after giving millions away to illegal immigration & free trade promoting Communist China after millions of Americans fought & many died or were wounded fighting communism? $$$, anybody with a million to give to each party has representation, We the People only pay them to give our jobs & money away & make millions doing it.

Representative's kids go to ivy league schools to become the next generation of politicians, lawyers, great minds on Wall Street, & bankers to rob & send the next generation working class to war while robbing US just as they have for a century or longer.

As with Social Security our mis-representatives robbed of trillions, now going broke at an accelerated pace due to so many unemployed, all we get is talk, & years of theft by the people we pay to represent US.

The American people would rather be lied too, told how they are the greatest at everything we do, from work to religion, to sports, & how pretty we are by the people we pay to represent US rather than hear the truth or do anything about it while being robbed by the liars, cheats, thieves, millionaire terrorist on our payroll making millions.

Nice gig if you can get it?

By Lindsay Renick Mayer

April 03, 2008 | When Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S military officer in Iraq, comes to Capitol Hill next week to brief Congress, he will be addressing lawmakers who have more than just a political stake in the five-year war.

Along with their colleagues in the House and Senate, the politicians who will get a status report from the general and the U.S. ambassador to Iraq have as much as $196 million of their own money invested in companies doing business with the Department of Defense, the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics has calculated. From aircraft and weapons manufacturers to producers of medical supplies and soft drinks, the investment portfolios of more than a quarter of Congress—and of countless constituents—include holdings in companies paid billions of dollars each month to support America's military in Iraq and elsewhere.

The Investors: Lawmakers with the most money invested in companies with Department of Defense contracts

Member of Congress Minimum Value of Investment Maximum Value of Investment
Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass) $28,872,067 $38,209,020
Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) $12,081,050 $49,140,000
Rep. Robin Hayes (R-NC) $9,232,037 $37,105,000
Rep. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis) $5,207,668 $7,612,653
Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif) $2,684,050 $6,260,000
Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich) $2,469,029 $8,360,000
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-WVa) $2,000,002 $2,000,002
Rep. Tom Petri (R-Wis) $1,365,004 $5,800,000
Rep. Kenny Ewell Marchant (R-Texas) $1,163,231 $1,163,231
Rep. John Carter (R-Texas) $1,000,001 $5,000,000

Includes investments in companies with DOD contracts of $5 million or more, according to 2006 data on FedSpending.org. Members of Congress must report their personal finances annually. Holdings shown here were as of December 31, 2006.

According to the most recent reports of their personal finances, 151 current members of Congress had between $78.7 million and $195.5 million invested in companies that received defense contracts of at least $5 million in 2006. In all, these companies received more than $275.6 billion from the government in 2006, or $755 million per day, according to FedSpending.org, a website of the budget watchdog group OMB Watch.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

It seems I'm of no use to banks, insurance, government if I don't have a job, can't pay taxes, insurance, mortgage since mis-representatives, & their partners in crime
destroyed our economy, & gave all our jobs away. It's all a little confusing, they can't rob US anymore because they already took everything, jobs, homes, & reason to support America. Like killing the golden goose the crooks & terrorist on our payroll in DC have screwed up the perfect scam becaue they were so greedy, had to have it all? Funny they cut their own throat, just like US taxpayers no longer of use, in the end the crooked politicians will outlive their usefullness. NOW, it all stops here & now if I can get some support!

Like the Native American, land with no title, off to the res., or street I go? I don't think so, I'm not going the way of the Native American. I'll fight but I won't fight the way Natives did or play by government's rules. Government banks, insurance, & courts aren'tgoing to get rid of me that easily.

This is why I have www.nextrevolution,.net but I can't do it alone. Unless the
millions of Americans being taken just like me, are willing to lose everything,
suffer through the rest of their lives, losing everything they worked a lifetime to
build, are as foolish, & gullible as our mis-representatives believe, it all stops now!

I stopped my boss at the Nebraska Dept of Forestry who was stealing state &
federal tax $, military excess property that could have been sold with $ going
to the DOD. Not knowing we'd be in war, US soldiers dying just a few years later
in war our mis-representatives & partners in crime profit in because they didn't
have equipment. I was the bad guy & nobody cared as strange as that sounds.
American taxpayaers just sitting by as if it was ok to be rpped off? If you found
somebody stealing gas from your car in your driveway you would do something
about it but if a governmnet program is where theft is taking place & your
representatives try to cover it up?

I answered a letter from Darigold corporate office asking for information into theft, waste, or fraud & Darigold used my suggestions to save millions of $. I was fired just the same & politicians in both cases either covered up or tried so as to protect themselves, & contributors. The USDA made them clean up unsanitary transportation & warehousing at Darigold, sixth largest dairy in the nation. If you look at pictures on Nextrev you can judge for yourself if you would like your kids to consume milk, dairy products rerun several times, or fed to hogs after people complained, returned milk to stores & it couldn't be rerun enough times to fool the public.

This the highly subsidized dairy industry the same mis-representatives accept millions from in return for billions of your tax $!

R-NE Mike Johanns, R-ID Jim Risch, D-ID Walk Minnick, R-ID Crapo, Idaho
Gov Butch Otter just to name a few dead beats who either did nothing, covered up,
protecting contributors, their own pocket book, & no doubt more theft, kickbacks as
well as sending kids to die in war without equipment. Allowing rotten milk to be
sold to major fast food outlets such as McDonalds, Burger King, & grocery stores
Safeway, WINCO, COSTCO, Ridley's, Paul's, & others through the sale of private
label dairy products so you never even know it's Darigold.

I have experience in several areas, agriculture, contraction, auto mechanics, welding,several areas of manufacturing, driving truck, freight brokerage to name a few. I may have outlived 21st century high tech work force but I refuse at the age of 52 to allow my mis-representatives of millionaire status to rob me any longer!

I need people not only my age who have according to our mis-representation have
outlived our usefulness only to be robbed, but also the kids who are next in line to be taken by this two party joke, greatest scam the world has ever seen which we call
representation. I need names for a petition so we can fight back so as not to lose homes & live on the street while the dead beats in DC, terrorist on our payroll, & their partners in crime rob US. If kids think they safe they better have a look around, & their parents better give a little advise if smart enough to realize what is happening. Look what happened to Native Americans, what's happening to US now, & you better believe you are next!

The paper even wrote about the job market: Associated press, 1-3-10 The Terrible Teens: Economy heals, joblessness looms Worst reccession since the great depression, 15 million unemployed, 10% unemployement, & unemployment could remain at 8% for years. It could take 10 to 15 years for jobs to come back if they ever do. Kids better realize they will always have the option of signing up for the
military as a mercenary, paid to kill, or die not realizing they have been manipulated into it.

The same mis-representatives sent 58,000 Americans to die fighting communism in Vietnam until thousands of stoned hippies said enough! All the while financing communism because billions of $ went to communist countries like China for weapons used to kill those 58,000 Americans & wound thousands more.

Nobody to my knowledge has ever made this point until I have.Now & for years our
mis-representatives have been, continue to hand communist China our jobs, & country
as fast as possible while putting millions of American out of work sending our jobs to China.

Now we're fighting terrorism under the same umbrella of fear we were led to believe
communism was? How did it go, get under your desk in the event of a nuclear attack, as if that was going to do any good, & thousands of Americans, downwinders still suffer with cancer while our mis-representatives denied, lied, & play their games to avoid paying their health care.

The terrorist we need fear the most aren't in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, or any other country, at least they weren't until our mis-representatives gave these people reason to hate US. The terrorist we need to fear are on our payroll in DC, banks, insurance, agri corruption, defense, & we better wise up to the reality. Like those stone hippies in the 1960s & 1970s I say enough, it stops now!

The petition will be as follows & anyone can send ideas to add to the list on
www.nextrevolution.net Now let's vote all republicans & democrats out of office
& take everything they own in return for breaking & robbing US. There wasn't anybody
else in office the last half century, all they did is documented, & there is no denying it!

1. Cut by 50% the pay of all representatives.
2. Take all retirement from representatives, present, past, lobbyists first to repay the
$ they stole from Social Security.
3. Take all campaign finance retroactive to 2000.
4. We'll pay $100 a month per person for health insurance, family rates, & no more.
5. Full financial disclosure by all mis-representatives, who contributed to them, how much,
& who they gave billions to, & who they invested in.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

I posted the following to the NY Times in response to, Living on Nothing but Food Stamps, 1-3-2010.

The job our representation is doing suggests we need to change the way we govern ourselves, update the system to a 21st century model without changing the original concept as written, & signed by our forefathers. I doubt they thought the process would remain stagnant, run on a 18th century model for hundreds of years as it has while allowing corruption, allow those with $, & influence to rewrite the Consitution due to that stagnation. I have to believe our forefathers, smart enough to write the Consitution, were also smart enough to realize we can't run a nation that manages to survive past the century they lived based on an outdated system, technology, & the way we do things. The world was flat at one time, if not mistaken that was disproven long before the Constitution was written, & signed.

I have a hard time understanding how or why Americans believe We the People are represented or the politicial system is working as suggested by the media. Our representatives, two controlling parties may be debating issues but the results are always the same, we as individuals lose, trillions of $ are floated around yet it all comes out of our paocket, we lose, & contributors make trillions. There haven't been any other parties running the country so who else would we suggest are failing, unless every problem we face, obvious failure, isn't really failure but for some reason considered success? Only by those making bank I hope but judging by the people who keep voting in the same two parties, & media suggesting the system is working as designed, not the case.

Is the finaical crisis, economy in the crapper, no jobs, millions of individuals losing homes while bailing out banks & Wall Street who are responsible for all our problems, wars, trillions in national debt, any indication we are represented or the system is working as the orignal concept, Constitution & Declaration written, & signed by our forefathers?

It's a good thing our representatives work for US, not contributors such as banks, Wall Street, insurance, agri corruption, & defense to name a few. Just think how things would be if not, if we made a living wage? How would contributors do without if we could afford to pay for our own food, & the vacations/golf they might miss in places like Scotland. How many of US would be surving on food stamps if our representatives were doing a lousy job if this is in fact a system working as designed, & representatives are doing a good job for US, not contributors?

The Constitution says WE the people so I doubt our forefathers had campaign finance & the mess this nation is in as a direct result, in mind when they wrote & signed it.

When the American people wake up to the fact they've been taken in the greatest scam the world has ever seen, by our mis-representatives, & their partners in crime through campaign finance, the picture might change.

I doubt it, people afraid to say or do anything, republicans, & democrats who vote for the people robbing them while blaming the other party, the one that is office the other half the time, read on a fifth grade level so they can comprehend what the paper is writing. We do have the tea Party which is all about the party, depending I'm sure whcih state you're in. That's a comfort, same song, & dance. Republican, no democrat, socialist, conservatives, liberal, & what was my point, the system doesn't work for US?

The Tea party of Boise, Idaho does have GOOOH, www.goooh.com Get Out Of Our House which makes me wonder, how do they support the repulican party to the point they drive democrats & independents aways, yet allow GOOOH?

Does the average American even know what the definition of American Dream according to Webster's is? An American Social Ideal. Are republicans calling Obama the American dream when they call him a socialist?

I reported my boss at the Nebraska Dept of Forestry for stealing everything from gas to federal excess military property & NE representatives, USDA in charge of oversight, denied it happened, & taxpayers refuse to believe me even though my boss was caught by an investigative reporter & made the lead story? US soldiers were dying just a few years later because they didn't have equipment this stolen property could have been sold & provided yet Mike Johanns of Nebraska is elected to the Senate? Terrorist? The same FEPP program should have been when I reported all this but no, it was rebuilt even though it outlived it's original concept years before & was kept going just to siphon tax $.

US Senator Hagel told me these federal programs get started & never end so I guess according to our representation in DC, all the wisdom in the world can't change that? Even the theft of federal & state tax $ leading up to the death of US soldiers while our representation tries to cover it up, & Hagel is replaced by Johanns who refused to listen? The system is working as designed by our forefathers? I'd like to hear what any of our forefathers would have to say about the way the politicial system is working.

While I worked at Darigold in Boise ID., I answered a letter from the corporate office asking for information into theft, fraud, & waste with the stipulation no harassment! I was harassed for a hear & a half, Idaho representatives covered up nicely along with the USDA, & I was fired from a $50K a year job for trying to protect the taxpayer & consumer from E. Coli, salmonella, & theft of their tax $. Pictures can be seen on www.nextrevolution.net but I don't expect anybody to have a look or help stop the criminals in DC, it's too much like being an American, a direct descendent of our forefathers who wrote & signed the
Constitution & Declaration.

Nebraska Gov Mike Johanns refused to listen, accept calls, was rewarded to Secretary of the USDA where he refused to listen or return call, & was rewarded to Nebraska US Senate. Idaho LT Gov Jim Risch, {acting} interim Gov in the absence of Gov Kempthorne who was appointed to Secretary of Interior, refused to listen or return calls & was rewarded to US Senate for Idaho, 13th wealthiest in DC!

Current Idaho Gov Butch Otter returned a letter letting me know the USDA & FDA do inspections? If they do inspections why did I have to send pictures to the USDA in Boise & they made Darigold clean up? The USDA is just one government agency failing to the point people get sick & die the cover their rear by denying whistle blowers their rights as they all did mine in reporting so they wouldn't look like the crooks, failures, & losers they are at taxpayer expense.

Any representatives who is called & presented with evidence then does nothing in protecting a taxpayer who reports as I did after answering a letter that specifically says no retaliation, is not representing the people. I wasn't the only one NOT represented, Darigold sold products, private label to McDonalds, Burger King, Safeway, WINCO, COSTCO, Ridley's, Pauls, & more. Enjoy your rotten milk, no matter what the name on the label, there's a good chance it was Darigold, sixth largest dairy in the nation, & a contributor to your representatives.

We used to deliver milk one day, pick up what ever wasn't bought & consumed the next, & replace it with what might be good milk. If you look at Nextrev you will see pictures which clearly say Rerun, one picture says rerun on the top of the pallet & hog food on the bottom? Should be comforting to know hogs are enjoying three a day, same as taxpayers 7 if you look at the hog farm we dumped milk, hogs then sold to you the consumer/taxpayer, you should fell all that much better.

The illegal immigrants on the other hand didn't seem to mind killing & butchering hogs out in the wind with hog crap blowing in the desert dust. Do you think illegal immigrants who eat this crap are going to spread any of the problem to you? If they don't sell meth, take your job because they work so much harder, marry your daughter, bring family from the drug cartel or drugs & spread it around the nation through a network set up in every city/state because your representatives promoted illegal immigration in return for campaign finance, guess again.

When the American people think, quit taking the word of crooks & terrorist on our payroll in DC who don't care if you go hungry or have a job, lose your home, as long as they have kids enlisting to fight their wars in which they are vested through defense contractors they hand billions after accepting millions, maybe we'll get some representation.

I doubt it, as I mentioned I've stepped up & proven it twice only to be shut down & the people who pay & suffer don't care & refuse to help.

bin laden is a hell of a lot more honest with the American people than our representatives & if you think he's killing US, look around, read the paper, & listen to the news

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Idaho Statesman, 3-10-06: Craig donates $43,500 linked to political scandal.
Senator proposed amendment that could have helped defense contractor.
Statesman, 3-12-06: The Big Picture. Anatomy of an Amendment.
Other players: Lobbyist, campaign contributors, & consultants Mitchell Wade, Richard Bliss, Joel Combs, Max Gelwix, & William Bain Adams.

Nextrev's veiw: Taxation without representation!

Brent Wilkes, President & CEO of defense contractor ADCS Inc. unidicted yet received $95 million in defense contracts in return for pennies on the $, $600,000.

Former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, R-Calif. Pleaded guilty to taking bribes, over 2 million in return for political favors related to Wilkes & LOBBYISTS paid by the defense contractor! 8 years in prison!

Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho. Donates $ to charity, after the fact. No wrong doing?

Taxpayers foot the bill for millions of people locked up in prisons, many nonviolent drug abusers
sent to jail for breaking laws set up by the same representatives who accept $ in return for political favors which the American citizen/taxpayer absorb. Personal property taxes on the rise while developers & businesses enjoy tax breaks & incentives & who pays the taxes they evade? You do! Schools falling apart while a guilt trip is put upon homeowners. When you need a doctor where will you go if you don't provide education?

While We the People pay these mis-representatives, provide health care, & retirement we lose all the same. Look at Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, health insurance costs, presrciption drug costs, & more. We lose all we provide while our mis-representatives make $ in the bargain.

Idaho Statesman, 3-12-06 Cars for Congressmen cost taxpayers $1 million.

Nextrev's opinion:
Our representatives lease cars, some at over $1,000 a month, & some lease more than one. With a war in Iraq, war based on lies, poor intelligence, NO intelligence! Oil & $, while our mis-representatives feel it's fine to spend millions, billions while giving tax cuts & incentives in return for favors to campaign contributors, taxpayers pay the taxes they evade! Un-American corporations, allies to terror just as our mis-representatives! Bin Laden & his terrorist don't have to destroy America, the people we pay to represent US are doing a bang up job & getting rich doing it!

Idaho Statesman, 3-12-06: Perks in the sky: Congress reaps benefits from corporate jets.

Nextrev's take: How is it I can't call a representatives & actually talk to them, get an aide at best while corproate un-America, making millions of $ in return for flying my representatives around, {pennies on the dollar} have their undivided attention?

www.nextrevolution.net America is a mis-managed nation! $8 trillion in dept & out of control. War in which Americans are making the ultimate sacrifice yet the President & Vice President of this nation, well you make the call. They work for?

America has become the biggest joke in the world. Well, We the People are as according to the democractic form of government we're allowing our mis-representatives to force down the throat of other nations. Killing to establish democracy while that same democracy has evolved into a democratic dictatorship in America! Corporate un-America controls our mis-representatives while the battle cry of American people has changed from "Give me liberty or give me death" to "There's nothing you can doooooo."

Nextrev's veiw: Build a prison around the Washington DC crime scene! Prevent the corruption from spreading! Or is it too late?

Friday, March 10, 2006

www.nextrevolution.net is a site I started to eliminate government waste & use tax $ saved to shore up Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, generate $ for education, health care, health care for veterans, & more. Unfortunately the old America battle cries such as "Give me liberty or give me death" have changed to "There's nothing you can doooooo." The America people have given up.

While employed with the Nebraska Dept. of Forestry through the University of Nebraska my boss was stealing gas, having employees sit on our butts & watch V three & four hours a day, clock in as if oat work when at home while saving sick pay of which 25% of was collected at retirement by the same employees & more. We were charging rural fire districts $30 an hour to work on excess military equipment aqquired through this FEPP program. A program started in the sixties which had outlived it's original concept years ago. As told to me by US Senator Hagel's office, "many of these government programs get started & never end." Perpetual waste!

When I called the Governor's office, Mike Johanns {recently appointed Secretary of the USDA which was the government agenency in charge of over sight of this failing FEPP program} the Gov. wasn't interested. Even though the Gov. of Nebraska had a policy against using state vehicles for personal use & my boss was driving a state vehicle back & forth to work,
{ 40 miles one way} while his vehicle sat at the Forestry equipment shop filled with taxpayer funded gas. That's right he drove to work on Mondays in his personal vehicle, filled it with taxpayer gas & then drove a state vehicle all week & drove his vehicle home on Friday with a full tank. Not only did the Gov. want nothing to do with this the State Auditor also did absolutly nothing in approximately five months while leading me to believe there was a state wide investigation going on.

State Auditor Kate Witek, now running for Nebraska Lt. Gov. did absolutely nothing after I walked an auditor employee through the FEPP shop & showed them waste & theft. I later called the State Auditor's office & requested someone come over to my house and witness gas in a container which my boss sent home with me to put in my personal vehicle. The auditor's response, "without a warrant I don't believe we can come over."

The truth is We are being mis-represented! Washington DC is loaded with white collar crime while America is building & paying for prisons to house nonviolent crinimals, many in prison due to meth & other drugs brought in the US by illegal immigrants. Our representatives have promoted illegal immigration for years as political favors to campaign contributors & corporations through the Washington lobby. Cheap, abused labor!

Low wages, minimum wage hasn't been raised for a decade while the same US senators enjoy $26,000 more annually. 37,000,000 Americans live in poverty, 45 million with out health insurance while a US Senator making $26,000 in annual salary raises won't raise minimum wage! Who absorbs the taxes which pay for 37,000,000 living in poverty & cost 45 million without health insurance can't pay or afford? You do!

3-10-06 Idaho Statesman: Craig donates $43,500 linked to political scandal.
Congressman Randy Duke" Cunningham convicted of taking bribes from a defense contractor, Brent Wilkes donated through Pacs & lobbyists & our representatives claim no wrongdoing. Interesting we pay millions if not billions of $ to build prisons to hold small time criminals while white collar crime runs our government in Washington DC. Simply donate the $ to charity!

We would be $ ahead to build walls around the Washinton DC crime scene to keep our representatives & the corporations controlling our government from starting another war such as we have in Iraq. While we're in Iraq promoting democracy & liberating democracy in America has evolved into a democratic dictatorship in which coprorate un-America controls the people we pay to represent US! Another generation of middle class Americans paying for everything another generation of the power elite need in their quest for control, greed!

Who absorbs the taxes evaded {tax cuts & incentives} by un-American corporations through campaign contributions & the Washington lobby? You do! Who pays increased personal property taxes to fund schools when developers get tax exemptions. You do!

While the American taxpayer absorbs all the cost we also pay these representatives a fine salary, health care, & retirement which we lose more of everyday! You pay for it all while the rich/power elite profit & in the end you have less! The people & families of the same people fight terrorism, some making the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq while our representatives & coprorate un-America profit as unwitting allies to terrorist! How does Osama Bin Laden feel about our representation in Washington DC. You can bet he's banking on it!

www.nextrevolution.net It's up to you, want to continue to lose & watch America crumble due to a foundation built of less than American ideals & morals. Insider trading, campaign finance irreularities, defense contractor bribes/revolving door, evesdropping, CIA leaks, breaking constitutional law, & where does it end? Do nothing as the saying goes or get online. If you haven't caught on to what's happening to America by now it's amazing, if you have & do nothing you're an amazing idiot.

When we we in Vietnam were we fighting communism or financing it? Over 50,000 Americans died in front of weapons bought from communist countries like Russia. Russia went broke about 13 years ago. When would Russia have gone broke if billions of $ for weapons used to kill those 50,000 Americans wouldn't have been purchased? Had we not been in Vietnam?

Now we're in Iraq. Are we fighting terrorist or financing them? Judging by what is happening in Washington DC at the expense of the America taxpayer/citizen/people I say terrorist can't lose when our representatives & corporate un-America see nothing but profit at the expense of America. The American way of life has changed to the America way of lie! It's all about the $!